Friday, May 28, 2010

Father's Day Thoughts

Father’s Day is coming up soon. We often make a grand showing of our love and loyalty to mothers.  But it is time to demonstrate to Fathers the honor the Bible says to show them (Exodus 20:12; Ephesians 6:2), and there is a promised reward of life with well being if we do so.  These verses are not for people young only. Every person of every age should honor their Father. I invite you to send a free Father's Day card on me by visiting Remember Father's Day and sign up. 

What if you had a “crappy” father or were abused by him. What he did was wrong, but you should honor the position even if the person was a jerk. God does not waste a hurt in our lives. Trust Him to show you in the long run the why of your painful paternal influence. Please practice forgiveness and reap its rewards concerning your painful past! You just honor the position and let God handle the person. Whether your fathers is living or dead consider some way to express your honor for the Lord using him to get you to planet earth. If you father is yet alive, here are a few suggestions from expressing your thoughts from
Thank you Notes Samples. What you make happen for others, God will make happen for you!

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