Do you sometimes find yourself a bit pessimistic, apathetic about folks, or even a bit negative about yourself or people? Problems often occur on the way up to promotion. The next time you experience these feelings remember these three important actions to take.
First, BELIEVE in other people FIRST. Some people we know do not attempt positive changes. However, do not appoint yourself judge of their possibility of change. Mentally write a number 10 over their heads and believe that they can and will do better.
Second, start to SEE and DO so that as they see them. An ancient American Indian proverb reminds us not to judge someone until we have walked a day in his or her moccasins (shoes). People’s unreasonable, irrational, and irritating behavior can be understood by recognition of their personal hurts, hang-ups, and habits. If you have been through what they have been through, would you be much different?
Third, NOTICE little by little, your own belief, in yourself will start to grow! The key is that it is impossible to behave in a manner inconsistent with the way you see yourself. Ephesians 6:8, in the Bible, helps us to know, our reactions to others will be God’s reactions to us. You cannot lift others up without first raising yourself to another level.
Let’s talk again soon.
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