It's amazing how 15 minor frustrations at the office can add up to one big bad attitude by the time you head for home. Frustrations come in three varieties:
* Interruptions - unexpected visitors or phone calls like the one I received while typing this sentence. You've got a deadline to meet and something requires your time. Our best plans are often interrupted.
* Inconveniences - while interruptions are usually people, these are usually situations involving things: the copy machine breaks down, traffic jams up, you can't find what you need when you need it.
* Irritations - delays, unreliable people, having to play telephone tag, catching a cold, obnoxious clients, etc.
You can't eliminate these - I guarantee you'll face all three types this week - but you can learn to keep them from making you stressed-out.
1. DON'T RESIST IT! - Don't overreact or blow up.
2. DON'T RESENT IT! - Don't internalize you anger.
3. DON'T RESIGN TO IT! - Don't have a pity-party.
Here are Ron's Rules for Stress Management:
RULE #1: Don't sweat the small stuff.
RULE #2: Realize it's all small stuff!
The Bible says, "A man's wisdom gives him patience." The only way we can see all stuff as small stuff is to view it from God's perspective. When I am in tune with God, I remember he has everything under control even though I don't! So I don't have to sweat it! "The fruit of the Spirit is"
PRAY THIS: "Lord, help me to be filled with your love, joy, and peace this week - so that when I'm squeezed and pressured that is what comes out of me."
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